Bevan Avenue Wells Groundwater Supply Development Project
Project Amendment Approval
Abbotsford BC 2014-Present
In 2010, The City of Abbotsford applied for and received an Environmental Assessment (EA) Certificate under the British Columbia Environmental Assessment Act (BCEAA) for the Bevan Avenue Wells Groundwater Supply Development Project. The purpose of the project was to ensure a clean, safe, and reliable water source to supplement the current water supply system during times of seasonal peak usage, and when the other sources are offline due to maintenance or emergency. In 2014, the City of Abbotsford contracted ENKON to apply for an amendment that would allow the seasonal operation of the Bevan Avenue Wells at 290 L/s to continue indefinitely. In 2016, ENKON submitted the EA certificate addendum application including potential impacts from climate change and cumulative effects associated with groundwater levels in Washington State. The City of Abbotsford received an amendment certificate in 2016. ENKON continues to provide environmental monitoring services as part of the commitments in the environmental certificate.