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It's Breeding Bird Nest Survey Season!

March 1 - August 31

Spring is here, and with it comes the return of many migratory and resident birds looking to create or return to their nests within the Lower Mainland. It is the responsibility of anyone undertaking any form of land clearing, building demolition, and even tree or shrub treatment to evaluate the risks posed to protected species and to determine what measures are required to ensure compliance with all federal, provincial, and territorial legislation. Planning ahead is crucial and can help prevent delays and infraction over the course of your project.

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In BC, birds and their nests are protected under the Provincial Wildlife Act and the Federal Migratory Birds Convention Act. These two pieces of legislation provide protection for the majority of native bird species, including their nests, eggs, and young from harm, disturbance, or destruction.

Nesting Season / Breeding Bird Window

Nest seasons, or breeding bird windows, vary in BC's South Coast Region, but are typically between March 1 and August 31 (see calendar below). There is also a peak in the nest season between May 1 to August 15.

*Colour range indicates percentage of total species per habitat actively nesting at any given date. Blue markers show extreme dates predicted for nesting seasons.

Bird Nest Surveys & Buffers

At ENKON Environmental, we have Qualified Environmental Professionals (QEP's) on staff with extensive experience conducting Active Bird Nest Surveys to assist you with identifying active nest sites on your property and determining the appropriate buffers to mitigate or avoid potential harm to protected wildlife. If a nest is found, temporary buffers are determined based on species present and are appropriately confirmed by a QEP. Typically, nest surveys are valid for up to 7 days outside of the peak season and 5 days within the peak season. If a clearing has not been completed within 5-7 days, the nest survey must be repeated.

If your project requires such a survey, or you would like further information, any member of our team would be happy to assist you!

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ENKON Environmental  Limited

Head Office

#207- 5550 152nd Street,

Surrey, BC V3S 5J9

Satellite Offices

Vancouver, BC

Burnaby, BC

Richmond, BC

Coquitlam, BC

Langley, BC

Port Moody, BC

Pitt Meadows, BC

Abbotsford, BC

Mission, BC

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